
Showing posts from August, 2017
Introduction ZeroDeploy Developer is a tool designed to improve the Sitecore development process by reducing the number of times the Sitecore development environment restarts. Normally, everytime you push new compiled code to Sitecore, the IIS Application Domain reloads itself. This process can take a while even on a fast computer and a clean environment. ZeroDeploy Developer prevents Sitecore from restarting every time compiled code changes. This blog helps the developer setup ZeroDeploy Developer in their local environment and shows some strategies that will help the Sitecore Developer get the most out of ZeroDeploy Developer. Requirements ZeroDeploy is designed to work on Sitecore 8.2 and later. The Visual Studio component of ZeroDeploy can only be installed on Visual Studio 2015 and 2017. Getting Started : Step 1: Click on   link, sign in with Verndale credentials. You can download ZeroDeploy